What is Bible Storytelling?
Our lives are full of stories. Telling stories is an engaging way to bring people together for a common purpose. What better way to draw people into God’s Word than crafting stories in a clear and meaningful manner?
This is a key part of Bible Translation in an oral culture!
It's a great tool for everyone when engaging with God's Word. Through our workshops in South Africa we break down different Bible passages, keeping them accurate to God’s Word, and learn to retell them in a way that is easy to remember and can help the listener hear the story in a new way.
Get involved with Bible Storytelling
Does this amazing skill of storytelling sound like something you would enjoy learning?
which is open to anyone who is interested.
Learn how to share the Bible in a non-confronting form with old and young alike. You will learn how to craft and tell a story and how to lead a Bible study from your story.
Also used in Oral Bible Translation, these skills are very useful for Scripture Engagement and mission.